Ignite Your Goals

So This Is 30

Emily's Lessons Learned

Today is my birthday. I spent most of it on an international flight, which gave me a nice moment in time to reflect on some of the gems I’ve learned over these 30 years, and the wisdom I would love to share with you. But when I went to write it down, it became clear to me that these sorts of lessons really don’t translate through words, but more so that they must be felt and experienced to be truly integrated.

So rather than just telling you ‘all the things’… Instead I’m going to share with you a letter I wrote to myself. I’ve found it therapeutic to pen myself a letter from time to time, especially during formative periods in life, and also affirming to look back on later down the track. I hope sharing today’s letter gives you some insight and inspiration to speak to yourself with kindness and gentleness too, just as you would a good friend. After all, your inner dialogue is potent and affects your health more then you know (we’ve even got hard science to back this up!) and maybe it will inspire YOU to write a little letter to yourself, because, why the heck not? You might be surprised at what comes out.

Dear Emily,

So this is 30.

I love the new wrinkles you’ve developed this year. They show that you’re living a full life. (And that you like to sleep on the left side of your face :) )

I love how your glasses bounce up off your nose when you smile, and your newly acquired snorting habit during fits of laughter. I guess it comes with age ;)

I’m so glad you’ve made more peace with your body, a continuing work in progress, but you’ve come so far. I love that over time you’ve redefined what ‘beauty’ means to you, and despite what culture may try to tell you, you continue to follow your own path. Thank you for believing that your appearance does not define your worth.

I love that you’re divorced, because it means you gave it your best shot, and it taught you what you needed to know to now be in a supportive, positive, loving relationship that helps and not hinders your growth.

I love all the health challenges you’ve faced. It’s taught you how to stay calm when things are hard, to accept your body regardless of its performance, and it’s revealed to you some of your innermost passions, as well as given you the experience to help others in this growing community of like-minds, who also want to better themselves in both body and in mind.

There isn’t any one single thing about you that I love most of all though, because picking a favorite wouldn’t be fair. So let me just say that I’m proud of you. Your strength to move through adversity, your will to find the answers, and your heart to share it with those who want to hear it.

Thank you for learning to take things as they come, the ups and downs, and making the most of what life brings. Here’s to another decade of lessons and learnings, may it be rich, full and laced with fun along the way. Happy Birthday.



Comments (4)

Happy birthday, Emily!

I also flew between the USA and Australia on my 30th, but in the other direction! I flew from Brissie to Vegas, and had an epic 36ish-hour birthday!!

Thanks Anna! Wow, that does sound pretty Epic! What a great way to celebrate the big 3-0 :)

Emily, this is beautiful. Brought tears.
I need to remember how to talk to myself this way. Thank you for such beautiful and powerful guidance.
Miya Xx

Thank you for your kind thoughts Miya, I am glad this resonates with you. I always say, speak to yourself as you would your best friend – with compassion and kindness, always! xx

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